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The O in pond has a short O sound, as in bond and fond.

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The word "pond" has a short vowel sound.

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Does pond have a short vowel or long vowel?

It is a short O, as in bond. Long would be poned to rhyme with boned.

Does fond have a long or short vowel sound?

"Fond" has a short vowel sound. It is pronounced as "fawnd."

Does pond have a long or short o sound?

The word "pond" has a short o sound. It is pronounced as "pahnd".

Does pond have a short o sound or short u sound?

The word "pond" has a short o sound, like the "ah" in "hot."

What words have the same vowel sound as fog?

The O in the word fog has an AW sound (caret O) as seen in the rhyming words dog, frog, log, and bog. This AW sound is seen in words such as flaw, straw, taught, sought, dawn, long, song, ball (bawl), haul, and daughter.

Is the O in clock short or long in sound?

It is a short O sound. A long O would sound like the word cloak. Clock rhymes with dock, mock, and rock.In US English, the O in "clock" or "pond" is pronounced the same as the short A in "ma" (ah). This is different from the A in the US pronunciation of "father" (ä or aw) or the short A in past or grand ( or ayh).

Does the word black have a short a or long a?

"Black' has a short 'a' sound, so it is pronounced 'blak'. Here is a little rule to remember: When there is only ONE vowel in a word, and it is in the MIDDLE of the word (that is, it is surrounded by consonant sounds), the vowel will FREQUENTLY be short. For example, here are some words that have short vowel sounds - 'cat, ham, pot, log, cub, fun, pet, men, lip, sit, fish, frog, flag, drip, chop, shop, pond, black, block, brick, trap, track, truck, stuck, trust, shrug, stand, stamp, strap, branch, flip, crumbs, thumb, thrill, club, brick, think, grad, spend, spell'.

What did the pond say to the other?

not a sound

Is a pawn in chess also called a pond?

No, it is not, but some people might pronouce the "w" in Pawn a little bit, but not exactly, like a short "o" making it sound something like "pond" but without the "d" at the end.

What effect does a tornado have when crossing a pond?

In short, water can get sucked or blown out of the pond.

Does pond rhyme with long?

Yes, "pond" and "long" do not rhyme because they have different ending sounds.

When was Long Pond Ironworks State Park created?

Long Pond Ironworks State Park was created in 1766.