

Does power of attorney apply in other states?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Yes as long as it is in compliance with the law of that state or jurisdiction.

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Q: Does power of attorney apply in other states?
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What is power of attorney and when does it apply?

"Power of attorney" means a written instrument, "Attorney-in-fact" means a person granted authority to act for the Principal in a power of attorney, regardless of whether the person is known as an attorney-in-fact or agent, or by some other term.

How can one sibling get power of attorney without the other siblings consent?

Apply to the probate court for the power. If the circumstances warrant it, they can grant that power.

If a person write a letter saying they give you power of attorney is it power of attorney?

It depends on the State that you live. Some States require that certain provisions be in a power of attorney form as well as having a notary sign the document and other States are more lenient and only require both signatures from Principal and Attorney-in-Fact.

Can you apply for power of attorney and legal guardian?

Consult your lawyer.

How do i obtain an power of attorney for deceased relative?

A power of attorney ceases upon the death of the grantor. For a deceased person, you must be appointed their executor or representative by a court. Generally, if the person had signficant assets or a complex situation this means you need to open an estate, for persons with few assets, most states have a simpler alternative.

How do you get a power of attorney for a deceased sibling?

A power of attorney represents a living person. After their death, you would apply to be executor of their estate with the probate court.

Does special power of attorney document have expiration?

Unless a power of attorney states a date of termination, the authority of the attorney-in-fact is exercisable notwithstanding any lapse of time since execution of the power of attorney.

Can the principal in a power of attorney request for it to be extinguished?

They certainly can request it be extinguished. If they are competent to handle their own affairs they apply to the court. If they granted the power of attorney, they can revoke it.

Do the attorney-in-fact signs the power of attorney?

Some states do require the attorney-in-fact to also sign the form.

What is executive power of attorney?

Executive power of attorney means that an attorney was appointed to handle a will. There are other instances where this can be enforced as well.

How does a benficiary of one who is deceased obtain power of attorney?

A power of attorney can only be granted by a living individual. You want to be appointed executor of the estate, apply to the probate court.

Can a power of attorney be revoked by other family members?

No only the grantor can revoke a power of attorney. That may be the court. And death will terminate the power of attorney.