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Q: Does precognition tell the future through prophecy?
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What is Precognition?

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What is the Gift of Prophecy?

Prophecy is the ability to tell what is going to happen. God tells you what is to come An belief by someone that they are able to "see" into the future and predict outcomes or events.

What is the study of the future called?

Prophecy. God reveals the future to the world of mankind right from the start of man. (such as Genesis 3:15) Prophecy, in part, is the revealing of future events by the Sovereign of the Universe, who is the only one who can tell the end of a matter right from the beginning.

How close is Israel to the rebuilding of the temple?

No one knows exactly since there is no prophecy in our times to tell us the future. So essentially no one knows until the future takes place.

Can people really tell the future through dreams?

There is no scientific evidence that dreams can predict the future. Dreams are a reflection of our subconscious thoughts, fears, and desires. While some people believe in the power of dreams for insight or intuition, it is not a proven method for foreseeing the future.

Why did Zeus gave Cassandra the ability to tell the future?

Zeus did not give Cassandra her ability, this was the gift of Apollo (or she always had the ability and when she rejected Apollo he cursed her prophecy not to be believed).

What are some non examples of prophecy?

It took me a while, because anything that's not a prophecy would count as a non-example of prophecies, yet if you say "apple" is a non-example of prophecy, that just sounds stupid, since they don't even pertain to each other. So a non-example of prophecy is probably an estimation, since it's an educated guess, not an actual "oh yeah I can tell the future" prophecy. It's either that, or apples :/

What is the future tense of tell?

The future tense of "tell" is "will tell."

What is the future of tell?

The future tense is 'will tell'.

What is the difference between a word of knowledge and prophecy?

The big difference between knowledge and prophecy are that in knowledge you learn it on your own. While in Prophecy it is the word of god revealed to you.A word of knowledge Is God revealing to you information about an individual that you simply would not know. It has nothing to do with future events but anything that has happened in the past or currently going on.example: I tell you your name and address without knowing you at all or I tell you about past abuse as a child.Prophecy is God revealing details about future events that have not occurred.example: I tell you that you will have a child in 9 months that you will be promoted.Both are gifts from God but can be tactics of Satan used to lure people astray from the truth of Jesus Christ.A biblical example of both gifts would be found in the story of Jesus and the samartian woman at the well. Jesus revealed to her past indiscretions and her current issues. Then proceeded to prophecy about future events. Check it out.

Who was the Greek princess that could see the future?

Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba in Homer's Iliad. Apollo granted Cassandra the gift of prophecy, but when Cassandra rejected Apollo's advances, she was cursed to tell the truth about the future, but never to be believed.

How do you tell the future?

You can't really tell the future.