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Yes it does. Your hips get wider and so does your womb so you can have a baby and you get curvier, instead of going straight up you go in then out!

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Q: Does puberty change a girls figure?
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Why do boys and girls experience change in their body?


What time do girls change into a women?

When they go through puberty.

Do girls' voices change when passing through puberty?

no, it gets higher

How does your voice sound when going through puberty?

When a boy begins puberty, his voice will lower. There is no significant difference or change in voice for girls.

What causes the changes of puberty?

The main cause of change at puberty are started by the production of our hormones(testosterone for boys and the estrogen and progesterone for girls)

Why a girl changes to boy?

Girls do not change into boys during puberty. Girls can only turn into boys if they have a sex change operation and a continuing course of hormone injections.

Do girls' voices change at puberty?

not necessarily 'lower' but defiantly more mellow compared to little girls high pitched voices

Examples of physical change in girls?

When? At puberty? Menstruation, breast growth, growth of pubic hair.

Any websites for girls in puberty?

Yes. is a good website for girls in puberty.

Is puberty a stage of life?

Yes it is, puberty can be because what I learnt is that for girls puberty is hard by have periods & pimples, guys have growing pains, pimples & voice change. Puberty can help you have a baby & all things that help you more in life.

What happen to girls before puberty?

Before Puberty, girls grow as children. They do not develop sexually until Puberty and hormones start.

Why do blind girls attain puberty at early stage?

Blind girls don't hit puberty earlier then other girls.