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Because a tree knot hole normally is the diseased part. Most trees would be able to fight the disease, and the knot hole would be a helpless lump, but in some cases, filling the hole with cement can stop the disease from traveling. If you are talking about To Kill A Mockingbird, Mr. Nathan did it to stop Boo from communicating with the outside world

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Q: Does putting cement in a knot hole save a dying tree?
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Who plugged the knot hole with cement and why?

Tom Robinson plugged the knot hole with cement in "To Kill a Mockingbird" to prevent Boo Radley from leaving his house and interacting with the children, as the adults in the neighborhood felt he was dangerous and should remain isolated.

What explanation does Nathan radley give gem for covering the knot hole?

He said the tree was old and it was dying and that people fill trees with cement when they're sick.

When Jem and Scout find the knot-hole filled with cement what explanation does nathan radley give?

Nathan Radley tells Jem and Scout that he filled the knot-hole with cement because the tree was dying and he didn't want it to fall on someone. However, it is later revealed that he filled it to prevent gifts being left for the children by Boo Radley.

Why does Nathan radley put cement in the knot hole?

Nathan Radley puts cement in the knot hole to stop Boo Radley from leaving gifts for Jem and Scout. He believes that Boo's interactions with the children are inappropriate and wants to cut off their communication.

What happened to the knot hole in the tree?

The knot hole in the tree likely rotted away over time due to exposure to the elements, insects, and decay processes. As the wood around it deteriorated, the knot hole eventually disappeared or collapsed, leaving a void in the tree.

In To Kill a Mockingbird what did Mr Radley do to the knot holl?

Mr. Radley filled the knot hole with cement to prevent Boo Radley from communicating with the children. He believed it was for their own safety and to keep Boo isolated from the neighborhood.

When jem and scout went to put a thank you note in the knot hole what did they discover?

Jem and Scout discovered that someone had filled the knot hole with cement, sealing off the opening where gifts had previously been left for them by Boo Radley. This action by Nathan Radley signified the end of their secret communication with Boo.

What happen to the knot-hole?

Mr. Radley cements the knot hole shut.

What happens to the knot hole?

Mr. Radley cements the knot hole shut.

Who filled the knot hole in the tree with cement To kill a mockingbird?

The cemented hole in the tree represents Boo Radley's isolation from society. Nathan Radley fills the hole with cement to prevent Boo from communicating with Jem and Scout. Jem is heartbroken because he realizes the cruelty of this action.

What ends the knothole game?

The knothole game ends when the knothole tree is destroyed by the authorities, and the children lose their secret meeting spot in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This signifies the loss of innocence and the end of childhood for Scout and Jem.

What is a knot hole?

A knot hole is a hole in a piece of wood where a branch or knot used to be. It can also refer to a hole deliberately made in wood for various purposes, such as for decoration or ventilation.