

Does radiant energy move through space?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Does radiant energy move through space?
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How does radiant energy move?

radiant energy move by waves

What is energy that can move through empty space is what?


Does waves move energy through space no matter what?

Because of the force that it has, (kinetic)

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Does heat move only where atoms and molecules are?

No. There is empty space between the sun and earth, but radiant heat gets through that empty region.

What is an energy that can travel through waves and move through empty space?

Gravitational (-GmM/r) and Electromagnetic (hf=hc/r) Energy.

What are 3 ways heat energy can move?

Conduction through solids, convection through liquids and gases, and radiation through empty space.

Does the energy move from earths surface and atmosphere out of space through radiation conduction or convection?

conduction because there is more heat in space then there is in earth

What is the form of energy that can move through space?

Instead of using Wiki Answers to complete your homework, why don't you actually look through your book?

Which type of energy can move through space as a wave?

Energy in the form of electro magnetic waves. Some examples are light,heat,UV etc

Can sound waves move through space?

space is a vacuum, and sound can't move through a vacuum.

What causes the h ions in the intermembrane space to move through the channels in the membrane and out the into the matrix?

The energy of the high energy molecules used for every time 2 high energy electrons move down the chain causes the H+ ions to move to the matrix.