

Does rainwater contain urine

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: Does rainwater contain urine
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because it does not contain acid

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Does naturally acidic rainwater contain carbonic acid?

Yes it can

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What does rainwater have in it?

Apart from the typical chemical constituents of H2O, rainwater will also contain whatever is in the atmosphere where the clouds build up and distribute the rain.

Do glow sticks contain urine?

No, but glowsticks contain phosphorus(an element), that is made from urine.

Does urine contain calories?

Don't drink urine.

Is rainwater a heterogeneous or a homogeneous?

If the rain water contain powdered materials the mixture is nonhomogeneous.

Does rainwater Not Contain Any Dissovled Minerals Is Called Hard Water?

No; hard water contain carbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium.

What percent of perfumes contain whale urine in US?

about 75% of all perfume in the US contain whale urine and 50% contain monkey blood.

How does urine conduct electricity?

This is possible because urine contain electrolytes.