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no she does not confess but she was brought in to witness john proctors confession in hope that she will save her life but she did not confess

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Q: Does rebecca confess to witchcraft
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Abigail confesses to witchcraft to save herself

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They (he or she) have to confess that they where doing witchcraft.

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Giles Corey, and he wasn't accused of witchcraft, he with held a name from them.

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What do we learn about rebecca nurse?

Rebecca Nurse was condemned because of witchcraft. They believe she was the one who killed the babies of Goody Putnam.

What is Hale's mission in Act IV of The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

hale's mission is to get the prisoneers to confess to witchcraft so they can live , he wants to put a stop to the hangings .

Who are Francis and Rebecca nurse?

Rebecca Nurse was a holy woman who loved God and was accused of witchcraft, Francis was Rebecca's husband and a well respected wealthy landowner in Salem

Why were people who confessed to witchcraft not punsihed?

People who confessed to Witchcraft were punished. They were burned alive or hung. The people who would not confess were tortured until they confessed or until they died.