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Q: Does rift valleys forms from divergent?
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What type of plate boundary forms rift valleys?

A divergent plate boundary.

Are rift valleys made by convergent boundaries?

no rift valleys are formed on the divergent boundary.

How are divergent boundary and rift valley related?

Rift Valleys and divergent boundaries occur where two tectonic plates are spreading apart. A good example of a Rift Valley is the one located in Africa between Somalia and Ethiopia.

Why do we have rift valleys?

Rift valleys appear at divergent tectonic plate boundaries. It is thought to be a process of inner earth heat

A mid-ocean ridge forms at what type of plate boundary?

A mid-ocean ridge forms at the divergent plate boundary. This boundary initially forms rifts that later on become rift valleys.

What forms rift valleys and faul block mountains?

Rift valleys are where a continent is being pulled apart.

What is created a divergent boundary?

a rift valley forms along the divergent boundary

A divergent boundary within a continent forms what?

A divergent boundary cannot exist "Within" a continent by definition. Divergent boundaries form as two continents move away from each other, forming rift valleys and mid-oceanic ridges.

Does divergent boundaries have any features?

Yes: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Rift Valleys

What kind of boundary are mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys?

A rift valley forms at a divergent boundary. When plates diverge, the crust in between them is pulled thin. This tension creates a rift valley, such as the one found between the two islands of New Zealand. Over time, the stretched crust with grow so thin that rising magma will break its surface, forming an underwater ridge.

What type of plate boundary form a mid ocean ridge?

A mid-ocean ridge forms at the divergent plate boundary. This boundary initially forms rifts that later on become rift valleys.

What forms during oceanic-subduction?

Rift valleys