

Does room temparture water effect the rust of metal?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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waa maxay suu aashu kk

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Q: Does room temparture water effect the rust of metal?
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Mercury is a metal that is liquid at room temperature and is nonreactive. Nonreactive means the metal does not react to acid or water.

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A hot water radiator heats a room by circulating hot water through a series of pipes inside the radiator. The hot water transfers its heat to the metal of the radiator, which then radiates warmth into the room through convection and radiation. This warms the air in the room and increases the overall temperature.

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not really but it defiantly does have some sort of effect

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Mercury is the only metal that remains liquid at room temperature.

How a hot-water radiator heats a rooms air. Include in your answer the way heat moves from the metal radiator to the room.?

A hot-water radiator heats a room by transferring heat from the hot water flowing through the radiator to the metal surface of the radiator. The metal then radiates this heat into the surrounding air in the room through a combination of conduction and convection. As the air near the radiator heats up, it rises, creating a natural circulation of warm air in the room.

When a 1kg metal pan containing 1 kg of cold water is removed from the refrigerator and set on a table which absorbs more heat from the room the pan or the water?

The water absorbs more heat from the room initially because water has a higher specific heat capacity than the metal pan. This means it takes more heat energy to raise the temperature of water compared to the metal pan. However, over time, both the pan and water will eventually reach the same temperature as the room.

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When silver is added to water, it does not react with the water. Silver is a noble metal and is relatively unreactive with water at room temperature.

Is polonium a metal at room temperature?

Polonium is a metal at room temperature.

What is only metal liquid at room temperature?

its a metal richardMercury is a liquid metal at room temperature .

What happens when metal reacts with metal?

Alkali metals reacts violently with water forming a hydroxide and hydrogen; alkali earth metals react with water but no so violent.Other metals doesn't generally react with water at room temperature.