

Does rubarb give you diherria

Updated: 11/9/2022
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11y ago

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Rhubarb is a strong laxative

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Q: Does rubarb give you diherria
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What is the name of the acid in rubarb?

Oxalic Acid

Where does rubarb come from?

Thought to be of Chinese origin

What plants can you eat the stem?

Rubarb stem

Is a stalk a stem?

yes so is rubarb

Is celery stalk a stem?

yes so is rubarb

Can people eat wild rubarb?

Yes they can and its delicious.

How can you help your hamster get better?

If your hamster is having diherria you should give it a small bit of uncooked oatmeal everyday. That slows wet tail but it should be given medicine which can be added to the hamster's water and it is bought at a pet store.

What 6 letter word starts with r and is a food?

radish, rubarb, raisin

How do you eat rubarb?

Rhubarb can be eaten raw but is most commonly cooked or stewed.

Is rubarb poison?

Rhubarb leaves contain poisonous substances including oxalic acid

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Is rubarb a vegetable?

Yes. It is the stalk of the rhubarb plant which is cooked and eaten. P.S. The leaves are poisonous.