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first new clear weapon made is 1996

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Q: Does russia sell or just make nuclear weapons?
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Is nuclear weapons evil?

NO! Nuclear weapons don't make and detonate themselves

Why did Russia and USA disagree in the cold war?

It's not so much that they didn't agree. It's more that they both were working to make nuclear weapons and they were both trying to become world powers through the use of nuclear weapons.

How does it make you feel to know that most of the nuclear weapons in the Soviet and US arsenals remain ready for use even in the post-Cold War era?

Actually this is false most of the Cold War era nuclear weapons have been destroyed.At the peak of the Cold War the U.S. had about 10,000 strategic and 20,000 tactical nuclear weapons and the USSR had about 10,000 strategic and 30,000 tactical nuclear weapons.Following the signing of START both sides agreed to destroy all tactical nuclear weapons and reduce strategic nuclear weapons slowly over a period of time.At this time both the U.S. and Russia have about 3,500 strategic nuclear weapons each and no tactical nuclear weapons (although some people say that Russia secretly maintains about 1,000 tactical nuclear weapons).So, from a peak of about 70,000 nuclear weapons during the Cold War to about 7,000 nuclear weapons now, only about 10% of the weapons then available still remain ready for use.

How did the Russians figure out how to make nuclear weapons before they figured out agriculture?

Do the Russians have nuclear weapons?

What is the name of people who make nuclear weapons?

There is no specific name for people who create nuclear weapons.

Can you make nuclear weapons with petroleum?


What was the purpose of the NPT?

make sure nuclear weapons did not proliferate to nations w/o nuclear weapons

Will russa nuke us?

Not being able to see into the future, there is a high likelihood that Russia will use nuclear weapons against the US and/or Western Europe. Most other countries that have nuclear weapons don't have the quantity to attempt an attack on the US. Russia is one country that DOES have sufficient quantity to make such an attempt. It doesn't mean they will.

What problems does the nuclear family faced with?

The new country that want to make nuclear weapons. And how to consult with they own weapons

Is it okay to make homemade nuclear weapons?


Why does US make nuclear weapons?

The US no longer makes nuclear weapons, it only refurbishes existing ones that are wearing out.

Why is the us worried about nuclear power in Iran?

Afghanistan has not argued that it wants nuclear weapons.