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Saliva can cause infections. If that person may come in contact with another person who has a dasease or saliva comes in contact with an open wound on the body. If this occurs and burning,dis-color,tingle,or anything unusual occurs seek a doctor.

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Q: Does saliva help to prevent infection?
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Is saliva known to help prevent infection?

Yes, it is. It is one of the reasons that animals literally lick their wounds. Human beings are included in animals here. If I cut my finger, for example, my instinct is to suck the finger.

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It can help you but if you already have it no

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Zidovudine (ZDV, AZT, Retrovir) is the only drug that has been proven to help prevent fetal HIV infection.

What is the salivas job?

Saliva begins to break down food and is the first part of the digestive process. It also rinses the teeth and mouth, helping to prevent infection.

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Stitches for cut to keep the wound closed and help prevent infection

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Chewing sugar free gum can help prevent tooth decay because when you chew the gum, it activates saliva glands and produces saliva which in turn kills bacteria and helps clean the teeth of plaque.

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Does Saliva contail HIV?

Saliva does contain HIV, but not enough concentration to cause an infection to be passed.

Can AIDS enter the body from saliva to anus?

No; saliva does not have enough of the virus to transmit the infection. However, if blood is in the saliva, the virus can be transmitted.

How can you prevent a blatter infection?

you can prevent this by not holding in your pee.... and NOT having ''unsafe sex'' if you want you can take vitmins to help your system to aviod getting a bladder infection!! good luck...happy holidays!!

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Operating rooms are air-conditioned to help prevent infection