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6d ago

Yes, salt water expands when it freezes. The salt decreases the water's freezing point, so it remains a liquid at a lower temperature than freshwater. As it starts to freeze, the saltwater becomes more concentrated, leading to an increase in volume and expansion.

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Does water expand?

When it freezes.

What happens to the volume of a water balloon when it freezes?

When water freezes, it expands as it turns into ice. This expansion causes the volume of the water balloon to increase, which can lead to the balloon bursting if the ice takes up too much space.

Why is that ocean water freezes?

the reason salt water freezes is because of the amount of salt in the water

How does fresh water freezes faster than salt water?

Fresh water freezes faster than salt water because salt lowers the freezing point of water. When salt is dissolved in water, it disrupts the formation of ice crystals, requiring the salt water to become colder than fresh water in order to freeze. This phenomenon is known as the "freezing point depression."

When water freezes it expands?

Yes, it will expand.

What freezes faster fresh water light salt water or heavy salt water?

I think it is fresh water freezes faster because the salt melts ice.

What happens if water freezes in a crack of a rock?

The crack would expand because the water in the rock, as it freezes, expands.

Why does water expand by 10 percent when it freezes?

Its very unusual for a substance to expand when it freezes, water is just odd that way. Its just a property of water, its moleucles expand in the area they take up and take up more space.

Does salt water or fresh water freezes faster?

Fresh water freezes at 32°f (0°c) at sea level. Sea water freezes at 28.4°f (-2°c) at sea level. Salt water depends on the concentration of salt. At maximum saturation salt water (23.3% by weight) freezes at -5.98°f (-21.1°c).

Why does water freezes faster then salt water?

the salt prevents the water from getting cold

Why water freezes before salt water?

Water freezes before salt water because adding salt lowers the freezing point of water. This means that salt water needs to reach a lower temperature in order to freeze compared to pure water. As a result, pure water will freeze at a higher temperature than salt water.

Which water freezes faster salt water or sugar water?

Salt water freezes faster than sugar water. This is because the presence of salt lowers the freezing point of water, making it freeze at a lower temperature compared to sugar water.