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It has been known to cause some neurological problems, similar to epilepsy. Like any anti-psychotic drug, it should used with care.

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Q: Does seroquel treat seizures
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How do you treat cat seizures?

If your cat is having a seizure you need to take the cat to a veterinarian, not ask online how to treat the seizures.

Are seizures associated with bipolar disorder?

Medications, such as Trileptal, which are designed to treat seizures, are also successfully used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.

Can Seroquel treat movement disorders such as Oromandibular Dystonia?

Seroquel can actually CAUSE this type of dystonia, as is the case with many antipsychotics.

What class of drug is seroquel?

Seroquel (Quetiapine) is an atypical antipsychotic commonly used to treat conditions such as Schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.

Is Seroquel a psychotropic?

Yes. Seroquel is a quetiapine tablets and extended-release (long-acting) tablets are used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia.

What will cure partial seizures?

There are many medications out there that can be used to treat partial seizures. Someone with epilepsy may have trouble finding a cure for their seizures.

What medications are used to treat absence seizures?

Depakene, Klonopin, and Zarontin are prescribed for patients who have absence seizures.

What is the difference in seroquel and Xanax?

Seroquel is the initial version of the drug, Seroquel XR is a sustained-release version useful because you will only need to take one dose daily as opposed to multiple doses of plain Seroquel.Seroquel XR means extended release while Seroquel refers to the ordinary one.

Is seroquel safe to take with steroids?

No it is an anti phycotic used to treat depression, schizoprhenia and paranoia

What are the effects of combining Wellbutrin with seroquel?

Yes you can. I take 400 mg seroquel and 300 mg bupropion daily and I feel fine. However, both medications lower the threshold for seizures. When you take them together, this means that the chance that you will have an epileptic seizure will be bigger. Be careful with alcohol.

What is Seroquel?

Quetiapine, sold under the brand name Seroquel, is a short-acting antipsychotic drug. It’s used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder and as an add-on treatment for major depression and generalised anxiety disorder in people who haven’t responded to other therapies. The recommended dose range for these conditions is 200-800mg a day.

Why toplep is prescriped?

Toplep is a medication that is prescribed to treat migraine headaches. It is also used to treat epilepsy, which is known as seizures or fits.