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setting boundaries is a must but NO CONTACT is the ONLY thing that "helps"

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Q: Does setting boundaries with a narcissist help?
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Related questions

Where can one find books on setting personal boundaries?

Books on setting personal boundaries can be found at bookstores, online retailers such as Amazon, or possibly at your local library. Look for titles by authors such as Henry Cloud, Melody Beattie, or Anne Katherine, which often focus on developing healthy boundaries in relationships.

Will narcissist father control adult son?

It is possible for a narcissistic father to try to exert control over his adult son, especially if the son has been conditioned to depend on him emotionally or financially. Setting clear boundaries and seeking support from a therapist or counselor can help the adult son assert his independence and establish a healthier relationship with his father.

What are setting boundaries?

Setting boundaries ... It's pretty much like u have rules that u can't break, if u go out of the boundary then it's who Evers choice to punish or what not

How do you explain to a narcissist that they are disordered?

You can't. Part of being a narcissist means that they cannot possibly be wrong/disordered/need help.

How can you co parent with a narcissistic?

By setting boundaries, and keeping very little contact. Only use contact when regaurding the children. A narcissist will use your children as pawns to hurt you or to gain an advantage over you. You don't want to rock the boat in the slightest way for your childrens sake as well as your own.

Would setting up a narcissist to pay him back injure him?

Yes. So what? They need to be held accountable!

Physically abused by a narcissist?

Talk to someone that you trust about it and get help.

How do you help a narcissist?

The question is help them how? Refer them to counseling, but they don't want to be fixed, though you may want to fix them to be a 'normal' person so you can keep a relationship with them. If you are a lay person and in a relationship with a narcissist, you cannot help them. Just by the nature of your relationship and the pathology of a narcissist, things will get ugly, it will be at your expense and there will be no change in the narcissist. A good therapist will be the one to help a narcissist, but it takes a great deal of work on the part of the narcissist, a commitment to healing, only they don't see themselves as 'broken' or anything wrong with them, so an honest introspective communication with a therapist is rare. It's so hard to understand. Leaving them is best for you though and isn't that sad that that is also the way to help a narcissist, because they are sucking your goodness from you and using it to buoy themselves. So sad.

Does explaining to a Narcissist how they act and how dysfunctional they are help them to change?

Best guess, it can. There is no other way for a true narcissist to be aware of issues within him or herself.

Can you change a narcassist?

A narcissist would not want help because he or she would not think there was anything wrong. Therefore, you can't help a narcissist; even when a narcissist is court ordered into therapy, there is little a professional can do to help a person change this personality type.

What are the three different setting of convergent boundaries?

The three types of convergent plate boundaries are Oceanic-Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Continental-Oceanic.

Can a relatiionship work with a male narcissist with help?