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Sexual reproduction helps evolution because it allows for changes to take place over generations. Without any reproduction, no evolution would occur because the species only sees change over time and generations, it cannot be seen in one lifetime. Plus, without reproduction, the species will become extinct.

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Q: Does sexual reproduction help or hinder the evolution of a species?
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Which statement is not included as a part of the modern theory of evolution?

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A parasite can influence the evolution of its host species?

yes, very dramatically. there is significant evidence that sexual reproduction is an evolutionary response to parasites.

What advantage does sexual reproduction confer upon a species?

The principal advantage that sexual reproduction confers upon a species is the continued existence of that species. If a species does not reproduce, it will die out.

What are the uses fro sexual reproduction?

Reproduction and continuation of the species.

What unites in sexual reproduction?

In sexual reproduction, of any species, it is the gametes which unite (forming a zygote).

How does sexual reproduction speed up the evolutionary process?

Evolution can only be seen through generations. Natural selection allows those that have the advantageous genes to live, and others to die out. Therefore, it takes many generations to see the effects of evolution on a species. Increasing sexual reproduction allows the turnover of generations to be quicker. Since we can only see the changes in future generations of a species, more reproduction will let those generations get here quicker, and therefore evolution can occur faster.

What method of reproduction contributes to variations within a species?

Sexual reproduction

What is sexual reproduction responsible for?

Continuation of that species.

How does sexual reproduction affect evolution in comparison to asexual reproduction?

sexual reproduction gives traits of both parents to the child where as asexual reproduction is just a copy of the original with no change at all

What method of reproduction increases variation within a species?

Maybe, Have more sexual intercourse. fragmentation