

Does she need both parents consent to leave the country?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes she will need both parents consent. If not she would be stopped at the airport, and not be allowed access. Since they could see it as kidnapping.

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Q: Does she need both parents consent to leave the country?
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You just need parental consent from both of your parents. If your parents are not together, all parents that have parental rights must consent in order for you to obtain a passport.

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Yes, it's illegal to cut yourself off from them and become independent at 16 unless both parents give consent. Once you turn 18, you can leave without parental consent.

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If both parents are living, you have to have the consent of both.

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Laws vary from state to state and from country to country. In North America you have to be 18 to get married without parental consent. Whether both parents are needed or not depends on the specific place you are getting married.

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Yes. Each sets of parents has to give consent for their child.

Is it legal to move out at seventeen in the US?

yesit is very so legal. Aslong as you are in the same country. However if you are moving to a new country you will require both parents to sign a consent form.