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Yes. Any minimally processed vegetable should be refrigerated.

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It's still a living plant. It does best if loose wrapped so it stays moist but can still breathe.

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Q: Is sealed lettuce supposed to be refrigerated?
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Can lettuce be stored below 5 degrees?

Lettuce retains quality and nutrition best if kept refrigerated. Minimally processed lettuce should be treated like any other potentially hazardous food and should be kept refrigerated.

Is children's Tylenol supposed to be refrigerated?

No. It does not.

How is lettuce transported?

Cardboard boxes by truck or rail, refrigerated containers

Does Oyster sauce need to be refrigerated?

Yes you will need to refrigerate after opening, but it doesn't need to be refrigerated if still sealed.

Does sterile water have to be refrigerated?

Sterile water does not have to be refrigerated. However, to remain sterile, it must be kept in a clean, sealed container.

Why can iceberg lettuce be dangerous?

Warm temperatures allow certain bacteria to multiply very fast. It depends what kind of bacteria are on the iceberg lettuce as to whether or not it would be dangerous. If the lettuce has been contaminated with pathogens, it could be dangerous whether or not it has been refrigerated.

How long can urine be stored for an alcohol test?

In a sealed, refrigerated container, you could store it for months.


It's supposed to be served chilled, so yes.

Can lettuce be left out at room temp?

Yes, lettuce can be left out at room temperature but this will make it go bad faster if it is not kept in a sealed bag. Although lettuce goes bad pretty quickly anyway, in the fridge or not.

Does fresh mozzarella have to be refrigerated if vacuum sealed?

No. Vacuum seals keep out air, so the bacteria cannot grow.

If it's been refrigerated do you need to keep lettuce on ice while on a salad bar?

Yes, it will wilt without keeping cool.

If you vacuum seal lettuce and tamotoes can you freeze them?

You can keep lettuce vacuum-sealed in the freezer because you will break the cellular structure that makes it crispy. But you can freeze tomatoes and use it for tomato sauce later.