

Does silver reacts with oxygen

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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Yes it does in what is called an ionic reaction, where the silver gives of electrons to oxygen, the result beeing silver oxide (Ag2O). All metals react with non-metals in this way. NaCl is probebly the most famouse of these ionic reactions as the result is normal table salt, but it is in no sense unique. Also some metals will react more readely with the non-metals.

Yes it does in what is called an ionic reaction, where the silver gives of electrons to oxygen, the result beeing silver oxide (Ag2O). All metals react with non-metals in this way. NaCl is probebly the most famouse of these ionic reactions as the result is normal table salt, but it is in no sense unique. Also some metals will react more readely with the non-metals.

Yes it does in what is called an ionic reaction, where the silver gives of electrons to oxygen, the result beeing silver oxide (Ag2O). All metals react with non-metals in this way. NaCl is probebly the most famouse of these ionic reactions as the result is normal table salt, but it is in no sense unique. Also some metals will react more readely with the non-metals.

Yes it does in what is called an ionic reaction, where the silver gives of electrons to oxygen, the result beeing silver oxide (Ag2O). All metals react with non-metals in this way. NaCl is probebly the most famouse of these ionic reactions as the result is normal table salt, but it is in no sense unique. Also some metals will react more readely with the non-metals

Yes it does in what is called an ionic reaction, where the silver gives of electrons to oxygen, the result beeing silver oxide (Ag2O). All metals react with non-metals in this way. NaCl is probebly the most famouse of these ionic reactions as the result is normal table salt, but it is in no sense unique. Also some metals will react more readely with the non-metals.

Yes it does in what is called an ionic reaction, where the silver gives of electrons to oxygen, the result beeing silver oxide (Ag2O). All metals react with non-metals in this way. NaCl is probebly the most famouse of these ionic reactions as the result is normal table salt, but it is in no sense unique. Also some metals will react more readely with the non-metals

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