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Yes, it is a criminal offense, and is a permanent record unless you qualify to petition to have it concealed from the public.

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Q: Does simple battery stay on your record?
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How long does a simple assault charge stay on your record in Portland OR?

It will be a PERMANENT part of your adult record.

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A criminal record is always there unless it is expunged.

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Forever, if you don't get "charged" again :-)

How long does a assault battery charge stay on your record in Michigan?

Unless the offense occurred prior to your 18th birthday your criminal history is a permanent lifetime record.

Can i get arrest and simple battery expunged off my record in Louisiana?

It MAY be possible - IF you qualify. See below link for further infomration:

How long will a battery misdemeanor charge stay on your record and does the length of time differ by state?

if you were under 18 at the time its gone when you do turn 18 but if you were already 18 you can pay(lots of money) to have it removed but if you dont it will always be on your record

What is simple battery?

Simple battery can consist of anything used to hurt someone regardless of causing physical harm. Ex. Cursing someone out can get you simple battery and disorderly conduct. Making verbal threats to someone, simple battery.

How long does a Felony 4 for a DUI stay on record?

Most felonies will stay on your record indefinitely.

How long does a violation stay on your driving record in Maine?

How long violations stay on your record varies from state to state. In Maine, a violation will stay on your driving record for one year.

If a restraining order is dropped will it stay on criminal record?

If it was only a CIVIL COURT restraining order, it will not appear on your criminal record. HOWEVER, if there was any criminal action associated with it, or which was the cause for it being issued, (e.g.: domestic battery), THAT is a criminal matter and it WILL appear on your criminal record.

Why does your battery light stay on?

The alternator may not be recharging the battery .

How long does a under age drinking ticket stay on your record in Canada?

it will stay on your record forever...sorry