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Not directly. Sleep apnea can lead to a variety of different conditions that themselves are the cause of other symptoms and conditions. Primarily sleep apnea directly results in lack of sleep, or serious reduction of proper sleep. This reduction or loss of sleep can be the result of system break downs all over the body, and creates stress. Stress is a common element of migraines, can lead to it.

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12y ago

sometimes yes, I would know, I have it. :3

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Q: Could sleep apnea cause migraines
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There are quite a few things that can cause seizures, but sleep apnea is not a direct cause. Sleep Apnea, however, can cause certain other conditions, so if you suffer from this you should take care of it.

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The first step in treating Sleep Apnea is finding out the cause. For most people the cause is being overweight and losing that weight would be the first step in treating Sleep Apnea.

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Can anyone tell me some facts and ideas about sleep apnea treatment?

Sleep apnea could be dangerous. Some people with sleep apnea sleep with an oxygen mask on to avoid risks. What you are describing is not sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is about abnormal rhythm in breathing while asleep. Falling asleep while talking to people is another case.

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Can heart disease cause sleep apnea?

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What different types of treatment for sleep apnea is there?

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