

Best Answer

Smiling uses less than half the number of muscles compared to frowning (17 to 42).

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Q: Does smiling take more muscles than frwoning?
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Is it easier to smile or to frown?

Frowning. I'm not for sure, but i think it's like 7 for smiling and like 16 for frowning The answer is frowning Frowning uses up more muscles then smile often, it's hardly any effort.</zzz> smiling....u use more mouth muscles and ur whole faces moves more when u smile...

Does it take more muscles to swim or smile?

You take very few muscles to smile and many more muscles are used when you swim.

What takes more of them to frown than smile?

It take more facial muscles to frown than to smile.

Does having more muscles make you more uh.musty?

not if you take a bath.

How many facial muscles do you have?

There are 33 muscles in a human face. And no, it doesn't take more muscles to frown than to smile.

Shot term response to exercise of muscular system?

muscles will become more erect and less strectchy, therefore giving added stength 2 the muscles. this will benfit your body as it will be able 2 take more stress and pressure on the muscles

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You basically tore your muscles, so your body is adding more muscle, which explains why you get stronger after a workout.

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the muscles required to take a step backward(:

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Yes, if you have a bazillion ab muscles and regularly take your shirt off.

How many muscles does it take to write your name?

25 Muscles

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over 200 muscles

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