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I would be wary of this answer. Someone who tells you it doesn't make you sick is dreaming, in denial, or ready to sell you more. Keep in mind that any time you are delivered a pleasurable sensation that lasts a short period of time, and that sensation is taken away, you run the risk of addiction. The higher the blast, the shorter the length of time from administration to sensation, and the more intense the feeling, the more you'll want it again. That seems to go OK for awhile but It doesn't stop there.

After a few uses, the motivation to use the product changes. You'll still get high but the reason you use it will change to remove a painful sensation. That relief will grow shorter and shorter and the behavior is now negatively reinforced. You're not getting high anymore, you're doing it to get rid of the unpleasant sensation produced from the drug's absence. During this time, you'll be one of those countless souls stating that the drug has no dependent effects, somehow hashing out a rationale that is rather inconsistent with experience. Some say those are the lucky ones. The group that gets brain damage in the first or second use will face an entirely different battle. I still remember angry testimony from a person who exclaims, "It wasn't caused by the meth, it was because I STOPPED BREATHING FOR 9 MINUTES!" He then looks dumbfounded when others at the table smile and say God loves him. I have to remind all of the rules before he speaks.

It doesn't stop with the physical effects. I have shown many people the magic of Bill W. Those who have been clean for years still face the social labels from a mistake that occurred quite some time ago. Time heals all wounds, but the social scars can last a long time because they are a chain of events: Employment gaps, Prior arrest record, suspended driver's license, personal incidents with groups or people, failed urine test, all cause closure and rejection. Those angry battles can affect many who have been clean for years but still have some kind of social label that comes up in a background check. It doesn't have to be much to cause a problem. Many records are accessible to the public and documented in error. That angry police officer who looks up a prior arrest won't believe you're clean. He has ways to do some nasty things when he sees your record. Collectively, these experiences can cause a chain of events that will build record and keep you in poverty.

If you're curious about the physical problems, I am sure others have researched effects like lesions in frontal and parietal lobe, widening of the synaptic cleft, destruction of Mylean sheath, a Biology major could give a much better answer. However, don't let the person who is using tell you it's A-OK. The idiot who tells you it's going to be a clean walk in the park hasn't yet had the social experience associated with use or the pain caused by dependence. Our culture does some nasty things to people who use drugs. The epiphany about the unexpected effects wont come until it's a little too late.

Keep in mind...meth is not made by God in a leaf, but an idiot in his basement. He uses those acidic compounds to extract the pseudoephedrine from those crushed cold pills--i.e. draino, heet. He got the instructions from some other idiot who might have tried it and then made his web page. Combine that with the potential for damaging residual and you're taking quite a risk. During manufacture, he isn't thinking about maintaining accuracy to the questionable method that he copied from the internet. Instead, he is in the cold abandoned building thinking about the cops. Reliability? Safety? I doubt the person cooking has ever heard the concept of variance.

It can kill you! Don't smoke Crystal Meth! Have you seen those things about lipstick on the side of the road? Do meth and that will happen to you, it happened to my ex too!

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Q: Does smoking crystal meth make you sick?
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