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While a snake's forked tongue looks dangerous, it really is not. Snakes actually smell with their tongues. If snakes bite, they use their teeth

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Q: Does snake bite with his teeth and or tongue?
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Related questions

What does snake use its teeth for?

snakes use their teeth to catch their pray then suffocate them with the tongue

How do you get snake teeth out of healed bite wound?

You grad plyers and yank it out!

What are the positioning of snakes teeth?

the reason for the snake to have teeth in the front is for venemous purposes because if the snake had teeth on the sides it would be harder to bite but because they are in the front they just have to pretty much open they're mouth and bite so its easier

When a bite occurs does the snake leave its teeth on the prey?

No, though sometimes teeth may be left behind accidentally if the snake bites in self defense.

How do you pronounce the letter s and Where do you place your tongue and are your teeth together or apart?

The letter "s" is pronounced by placing the tip of your tongue close to the roof of your mouth, just behind your upper front teeth. Your teeth should be slightly apart, but not touching, allowing the air to pass through with a hissing sound.

What does tongue in teeth comment mean?

The phrase "tongue in teeth" typically does not have a common or widely recognized meaning. It may be a unique or metaphorical expression used by an individual.

Does a giraffe have baby teeth?

yes giraffes have top teeth and they sometimes bite their tongue because its so long

Why do people bite their lip or tongue?

"hm. maybe because your really clumsy?" this was the last answer, but it is not scientific in the slightest, and, to some, insulting. It is, in my opinion, because when you chew, your tongue moves around a lot, and with the movement of your teeth, this can cause you to accidentally bite your own tongue...

Do giraffes have teeth?

yes giraffes have top teeth and they sometimes bite their tongue because its so long

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Echidnas do not bite, as they do not have teeth. An echidna has a long, sticky tongue which it uses to catch termites and ants.

Is there any main negative factors about getting your tongue pierced?

It takes the enamel of your teeth. You can break teeth if you bite it. There are a ton of others.

How do you kiss a boy with buck teeth?

You don't... The teeth get in the way... If your going to kiss someone with buck teeth my recommendation is to not french kiss he might accidentally bite down on you tongue...