

Does soda effect mold growth

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Does soda effect mold growth
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Moisture contributes greatly to the growth of mold. Mold needs a damp/ wet environment to establish itself, and to grow.

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yes,the temprature does effect the amount of mold grows on a banana because if it is cold the particles in the banana which freeze it and make the amount of mold decrease from average temprature

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soda because it has the most chemicals

Why does soda make mold grow faster?

the reason soda makes mold grow faster is because soda is high in sugar and sugar is food for mold.

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it is to high for the plant to tolerate

Does temperature and moisture effect the growth of mold?

Yes, it grows better in moist and warm conditions.

What is the effect of light on mold growth?

Mold grows best in dark areas but it must have some light exposure. when it is exposed to light completely the mold dows not grow very well

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Does sodium have an effect on the growth of bread mold?

Go find out get some dust and find some sodium and have fun kiddos

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i didn't mean to submit this xo

Does moisture affect the growth of mold on food?

The mold requires moisture to grow so the more moisture the more mold.