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"song" has the "short O" sound, and is pronounced [sɑŋ] or [sɔŋ]. Both vowels are commonly called a "short O" in English.

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Q: Does song have a long or short vowel sound?
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Does the word song have a short or long vowel sound?

The terms "long" and "short" do not properly describe English vowels. The vowel in song is the same as the vowel in lawn - neither long nor short.

Does skin have a long vowel sound?

No. It has a short I sound as in sin and kin. If it was a long I, it would sound like sky with an N.

Does the word boat have the same vowel sound as song?

No. The OA in boat has a long O sound, while the O in song is a short O.

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No, "bones" is not a long vowel word. The vowel sound in "bones" is pronounced as a short vowel /ɒ/.

What is the vowel sound in song?

The word "song" can have a short O sound (sounds like the bong in bongo drum), but more usually a caret O (aw) sound, to rhyme with long and wrong.

What is the vowel sound in long?

The O in the word long may be a short vowel, but more usually an AW sound (caret O) as seen in the rhyming words song, strong, and wrong. This AW sound is seen in words such as taught, sought, dawn, ball (bawl), and daughter.

What words have the same vowel sound as song?

The O in the word song may be a short vowel, but more usually an AW sound (caret O) as seen in the rhyming words long, strong, and wrong. This AW sound is seen in words such as taught, sought, dawn, ball (bawl), and daughter.

Is song a short vowel word?

No, it usually has the AW sound, related to the long OR sound, as in gong and wrong. * In US English, the -ong words have the AW sound (as in bong) rather than the O sound (as in bongo).

Does song have the short o sound?

"Song" is pronounced with a soft 'o' sound, which is also the soft 'a' sound. It rhymes with "long".

Does song have a short o sound?

No. It has the AW sound (caret O) as in saw and long.

Is the a in potato a long vowel or short vowel?

Either is correct. There are two pronunciations :poh-tay-toh (long A)poh-tah-toh (short A)This is also the case with "tomato" which according to a given dialect has either the long A or short A sound. Both words are in the lyrics to the classic song "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" first heard in the 1937 Fred Astaire movie Shall We Dance. (Also by Harry Connick, Jr. in 1989's When Harry Met Sally).