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Q: Does sound travel 760mph at sea level?
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How does sound travel in mph?

About 761 mph at sea level.

How fast do sound waves travel near sea level?


Would sound travel faster than a car?

Yes, sound travels at approximately 761mph at sea level.

How many meters will sound travel in 30 seconds?

The speed of sound at sea level is 10,208.7 meters per 30 seconds.

How many meters will sound travel in 30s?

At sea level sound travels 33,488.4 feet every 30 seconds.

How fast does sound travel per meter per second?

340m/sec at sea level.

How many meters per second does sound travel?

340.29 meters per second at sea level.

How fast does a sound wave travel meters per second?

The speed of sound at sea level is 340.29 meters per second.

Can Sound Travel 185000 Miles Per Second?

No, the speed of sound at sea level is around 0.2114 miles per second.

How fast do sound waves travel in kilometers per hour?

Sound travels at 1,225.044 kilometers per hour at sea level.

How fast does sound travel per second in kilometers?

About 3.4 km per second at sea level.

How fast does a plane need to go to reach the sound barrier?

At sea level it needs to travel at 340m/s.