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I would think in warmer Air....

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Through warmer air!

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Q: Does sound travel faster in warmer or colder air?
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Does sound travel faster or slower when the air gets warmer?


Does sound travel faster in warmer temperatures?

the air molecules are moving faster

Does sound travel faster in air in winter or summer?

Speed of sound is proportional to absolute temperature. It should therefore travel faster in warmer weather.

Does sound travel faster in air in summer or in winter?

Speed of sound is proportional to absolute temperature. It should therefore travel faster in warmer weather.

Does sound travel faster in hotter or colder temperatures?

The speed of sound in air increases with temperature, as the density of the air decreases.

Can sound be carried by wind?

Sound waves travel faster in warmer air. If the temperature of the air near the ground is colder than air higher up, then sound waves traveling slightly upward will bend downward. This tends to "focus" the sound waves back toward the ground and can help amplify the sounds when you are far away.

Does sound travel faster in cold air or hot air?

The speed of sound in air is given by the formula cair = 331.3 + (0.66 x T) m/s, where T is the temperature in °C. What that equation says is that the warmer air is, the faster sound waves travel in it. Wikipedia has particulars in a post on the speed of sound, and you've got a link to that article. Surf on over and check it out.

Can airplanes travel faster than sound?

NO they can not travel faster than sound in thunder and lightning

Why does sound travel faster in warm?

Because the molecules are less dense and they vibrate faster letting sound travel faster

Could sound travel faster in solids or gasses?

Sound DOES travel faster in solids than in gases. The higher the density of the medium, the faster the sound travels.

Does sound travel faster than sound?

no. sound is sound so how on earth can it be faster than itself? answer that!

Is the speed of sound faster in colder temperatures?

The speed of sound slows in colder temperatures.The speed of sound is dependent on the medium it travels through. It travels faster in steel than water, faster in water than air and not at all in a vacuum.The molecules have more energy at higher temperatures so the sound waves can vibrate the air faster.