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MAGIC!!!!! no really, sound travels underwater even fast than out of water. sound is just a vibration that your eardrums hear and send the message to your brain, and your brain converts it into a message that we know as sounds!

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Q: Does sound travel under water in the deep ocean?
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Why can't sound travel under water?

Sound does travel under water otherwise the Humpback would be wasting its time singing!

Does sound travel under water?

yes, of course.

Does sound travel faster underwater or in air?

under water because of the water

Does sound travel faster under water or in air?

underwater x

Can sound travel through under water and how?

Sound is simply the vibration of matter so it exists under water, in rocks, and even in lava.

Why do things sound different under water?

because sound waves travel at different distances and speeds underwater plus the water is in your ear.

Does molecules need to be present for sound to travel?

Sound is a wave and it needs a medium to travel through. Waves in the ocean use water as a medium. Without water, you can't have a wave. In the case of sound you need a medium, whether its solid, liquid or gas, for the sound to travel through. Hence the line, "in space, no one can year you scream." Space is a vacuum (i.e. no "molecules") so sound cannot travel.

Does vibrations of a earthquake or sound in water travel faster?

Well, let's look. Sound (compressional) waves need a medium to travel through (the ground, the water of the ocean.) Now let's compare densities of the medium. The denser the medium, the longer the sound waves take to travel. Now I think you can figure this one out.

If you are under water and you speak will it take more time for the sound to travel or less time?

It will take less time.....Because the speed of sound in water is more than that in air :)

Why does sound travell faster under water than under ground?

Actually, sound travels slower under water than underground. Sound is a vibration in molecules that we perceive as noise. Water's molecules are rather loose compared to a solid's molecules, so it would travel slower underwater compared to traveling underground.

Why can you hear sound better in air than under water?

cause its easier for sound waves to travel through air than through liquid

What is the medium through which an ocean wave will travel?

The medium of an ocean wave is water.