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I you were in another room and the other room was giving out sound, then you would hear less if your room full of furniture because of the solid (The Furniture) in the way of the vibrating air particles coming from the room giving off sound

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Why cant sound travel through empty space

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Empty space.Empty space.Empty space.Empty space.

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Sound waves cannot travel through an empty space because an empty space is usually a vacuum.

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The answer will depend on who is Carry and what his energy is doing in empty space.

Why cannot sound travel through space?

Because there are no enough molecules in empty space for sound to be propagated.

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Hello, sound is a mechanical wave. This means that it badly needs a material medium to pass through as longitudinal waves. So empty space will not allow sound to get propagated.

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Sound cannot travel in empty space. But, sound may be able to travel through your body.

What is produced when sound is made in an empty space?

Pressure waves in --- whatever the medium is --- air. In a vacuum (real empty space), there is no sound. (See the old gag line for the original Alien movie (in space they can't hear you scream).)