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Well, if there is no egg there, then no. It's more a case of whether it manages to fertilise the egg after finding it because it doesn't always do that

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Q: Does sperm always make it to the Fallopian tubes and If sperm does make it to the tubes does that automatically mean fertilization off the egg?
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How does pregnancy start?

A sperm reaches an egg in the fallopian tube.

What unites during fertilization?

During fertilization the sperm unites with the egg. This typically occurs in the fallopian tube.

Where does the process of fertilization take place in humans?

Human fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes. These tubes are also known as the oviducts.

Where does fertilization?

The sperm usually fertilizes the egg in the Fallopian tubes. Then, the fertilized egg moves down to the uterus where it implants, causing pregnancy."The segment of the Fallopian Tube where fertilization commonly occurs is the ampulla."fallopian tubesIn the human body, fertilization of egg cells occur in the oviduct (also called the fallopian tube) of the female's reproductive system.

How far does the sperm have to travel for you to get pregnant?

no idea it travels through the vagina, through the uterus, then through the fallopian tubes and fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes

When a male sex cell joins with a female sex cell what is it called?

Fertilization is the joining of egg cell and sperm. It typically happens in the fallopian tubes.

What is the site of fertilization in human beings?

In humans, fertilization or union of gametes (sperm and ova) occurs in the anterior part of oviduct and zygote is formed

Which of the numbered parts of the female reproductive system does fertilization union of sperm and egg normally take place?

The site of fertilization is the ampulla part of the fallopian tube.

Where does the fertilization takes place?

Depending on the animal, fertilization of eggs can occur externally or internally. With internal fertilization...the sperm and egg generally combine in the fallopian tubes.

Where will a sperm met an egg?

The sperm meets the egg inside the fallopian tube inside the woman's body. Once there is sperm inside the vagina, it must travel up through the cervix, up through the uterus, and into the fallopian tubes. Once in the fallopian tube where the egg has been release from the ovary, the sperm can meet up with the egg for fertilization.

What happens if the sperm go up the wrong ovary?

Sperm do not go up the wrong ovary. During fertilization, sperm typically swim through the cervix, uterus, and into the fallopian tubes where one of the ovaries releases an egg. The sperm then have the opportunity to fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube, not the ovary itself.

Where does fertilisation occur?

well, fertilization takes place in the ovaries. after the sperm cells enter through the vagina the enter the ovaries. where then the egg and sperm cells merge and the egg is fertilized.