

Does sperm live longer when your fertile?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Does sperm live longer when your fertile?
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How long sperm live in a female body while she on her period?

How long sperm can survive in the female body depends on how healthy the sperm are and whether the female is fertile at the time. If there is fertile quality cervical mucus present then sperm can potential survive for up to a week within her body.

Are you most fertile on your period?

i have found it the most accurate that you are the most fertile on your period because that egg is still being release and if the sperm is in there it could stay in there longer then it would not on your period

Is it better to be intimate when fertile?

Yes, of course because then a woman juices create a safe enviro ment for the sperm to last longer.

Is it possible for a human sperm to live longer than 7days?


Can sperm live for more than a week?

In the female reproductive tract, sperm can live for up to five days. Outside of the body, such as in certain conditions like in cervical mucus or in vitro, sperm can potentially survive for longer periods, but typically not longer than a week.

What is the gland that has an alkaline fluid that helps sperm live longer?

Your answer is the prostate gland.

How long can sperm stay fertile in room temp?

Sperm can remain fertile outside the body for up to about 1 hour at room temperature, but this can vary depending on factors such as humidity and exposure to light. It is best to keep sperm samples at body temperature (around 98.6°F or 37°C) if they need to be preserved for longer periods.

Would a lot of discharge stop the sperm from causing you to get pregnant?

Depending on what kind of discharge. If the discharge is clear, slippery, and stretches, (resembling egg whites) this is your most fertile time of the month. You have this kind of discharge right at and during ovulation. This is your sperm friendly mucous, it helps the sperm be more mobile and gives it a healthier environment letting it live longer and also enter your cervix. If it is cloudy or white this is not as " sperm friendly".

Is white sperm more fertile?

Fertile men should have sperm that is between light gray to off-white. There is not a perfect color that will indicate fertility.

What is characteristic of sperm if fertile?

Well their names keith, they live in East Sussex and they like to go on golf tours in alaska. Hope it helped ;)

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Sperm of a fertile male.