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SpongeBob SquarePants does not worship the Illuminati. This is because he is just an animated TV character who lives in a pineapple under the sea with his pet snail Gary. Although modern belief in the Illuminati is delusional as it is no more real than Sponge Bob.

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stop asking are all these rappers illuminati or not, find ur real purpose in life, worship your Lord, then and only then when you submit to The One True Being, that you can not be scared of anyone or anything

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Such nonsense. Can women worship the knights of the roundtable or the starship Enterprise? Only if they have a screw loose. Sorry if this doesn't meet the diplomatic standards for the category, it's as diplomatic as the question allows.

Does the Illuminati believe in Satan?

Yes, many of the members were quite religious.

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No, since the Illuminati hasn't been an organization for about two hundred years. If someone is calling them self or someone else is calling someone Illuminati, it's just a word connected to nothing; like calling yourself one of the Knights of the Roundtable.

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The masons do not worship satan. While they maintain their secretes, enough of them have died that their books are available in used book stores. Anyone can read their dull books and find out about their dull doctrines. The illuminati attempted to join the masons in Germany but the masons refused to admit them. The two are separate groups. There never was a unified group under one leader with one doctrine called the illuminati. There were groups with somewhat similar doctrines placed under the heading of illuminati. Secret groups lend themselves to conspiracy theories.

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There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Carmelo Anthony is involved in the Illuminati, as the Illuminati itself is considered a secretive and speculative organization. Claims connecting individuals to the Illuminati are often based on conspiracy theories and speculation rather than factual information.