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Q: Does squid ink make you blind?
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Where to get squid ink?

you can only get it from a squid... sorry... you cannot make a squid ink...

Is it possible to get blind from squid ink?

Only if you mix it with denatured alchohol before drinking it.

Does a squid have ink?

a squid uses ink for selfdefance like when a shark or something bigger tries to eat the sqiud the squid burst out a lot of ink and no squid ink isn't used for pens

How much ink does a squid have?

The squid's ink amount depends on the size of the squid. The ink is used to confuse and paralyze the squid's attacker so that the squid can escape.

Does squid ink have iodine in it?

Yes, it does it has a really yummy sour flavor.And this is how you make it :2 cups flour3 eggs½ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon squid ink1 teaspoon olive oil (optional)

What defenses does a giant squid have?

The defense that giant squid has is the squirting of ink. It shoots out ink everywhere to make it unclear in the water so that it can swim away out of sight. -Crystal.

How do squid ink?

ink is expelled from their ink sac

Where does the ink sac empty into on a squid?

The squid's ink sac empties out into the esophagus.

Is a squid's eye its ink pouch?

The eye of the squid is not where its ink pouch is located. The ink pouch is located near the rectum.

What does squid used to protect itself?

Like the octopus, the squid use ink and a camouflage to blind the enemy predator and blend into its surroundings. Some squids (like the Humboldt squid) use hook on their sucker cups to defend it's self.

Why is squid ink nutritious?

Squid ink has a lot of protein and can heal tumors.

Can you get tattooed with squid ink?

No as squid ink reacts with heat and cold and wouldn't be suitable for human skin