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Stalactites grow downwards

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From which part of a cave do stalactites grow?

you find a stalactites in the east side of the cave.

Can stalactites grow on trees?

yes or no

Can rocks grow like stalactites and stalagmites?

No, rocks cannot grow like stalactites and stalagmites. Stalactites and stalagmites are formed from minerals that are deposited from water dripping in caves over thousands of years, while rocks are solid masses that do not exhibit the same type of growth.

When a stalactites and a stalagmite grow together it and called?

a column

Where do stalactites grow the top or bottom of a cave?

Stalactites grow from the ceiling of a cave when mineral-rich water drips down and deposits minerals on the cave ceiling.

How can you grow real calcium carbonate stalactites?

To grow real calcium carbonate stalactites, you can set up a controlled environment with a solution of calcium bicarbonate dripped onto a surface over time. As the water evaporates, calcium carbonate will accumulate and form stalactites. This process requires patience as the stalactites grow slowly, usually taking several weeks to months to achieve desired results.

What direction would the stalactites and stalagmites be in?

Stalactites hang from the ceiling of a cave, while stalagmites grow upward from the cave floor. This means stalactites point downwards and stalagmites point upwards.

How fast do stalactites grow?

Stalactites usually grow at a rate of about 0.005 inches to 0.03 inches per year. This growth rate varies depending on factors such as mineral content of the water dripping from the cave ceiling and the specific conditions in the cave.

Are stalactites found on the bottom of caves?

no, stalactites grow from the ceiling, like an iceicle. stalagmites grow from the ground and stand up. A way to remember it is stalactite has a "c" for ceiling and stalagmite has a "g" for ground no, stalactites grow from the ceiling, like an iceicle. stalagmites grow from the ground and stand up. A way to remember it is stalactite has a "c" for ceiling and stalagmite has a "g" for ground

Do stalactites grow toward the cave ceiling?

Yes, stalactites do grow toward the cave ceiling. Stalactites form when mineral-rich water drips from the ceiling of a cave and leaves behind deposits of minerals over time. As each droplet of water evaporates, it leaves behind a small amount of mineral deposit, causing the stalactite to gradually grow downward from the ceiling.