

Stalagmites and Stalactites

Stalagmites and stalactites are mineralized deposits formed by dripping water. The deposits are long and cone shaped. Stalactites hang from the tops of caves, and stalagmites are formed on the floors.

500 Questions

What are stalic tights and stalic knights?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific item or concept known as "stalic tights" or "stalic knights." It is possible that these terms are typos or unfamiliar terms. If you can provide more context or background information, I may be able to assist you further.

Do stalactites grow toward the cave ceiling?

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Yes, stalactites do grow toward the cave ceiling. Stalactites form when mineral-rich water drips from the ceiling of a cave and leaves behind deposits of minerals over time. As each droplet of water evaporates, it leaves behind a small amount of mineral deposit, causing the stalactite to gradually grow downward from the ceiling.

What can create underground caves and form stalactites and stalagmites?

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Water, erosion, and time. Limestone is a common rock that these geologic structures form in because of it's relative softness.

What is its called when stalactites and stalagmites grow together?

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When they join they become a pillar or a column.

Where are stalagmites found?

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CAVES! These are the dripstones (like stone icicles) that hang from the ceiling (stalactites) or the ones growing upward from the floor (stalagmites). The easiest way to remember which is which--imagine that the stalactites are hanging on tightly to the ceiling.

Are the stalactites and stalagmites considered as living organism?

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No. Stalactites and stalagmites are formed from minerals, brought down from the rocks above by water.

Form of calcium carbonate in stalactites?

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They are formed by dripping water, and are usually composed of calcium carbonate.

Stalactites are the formations that are attached to the ceiling, whilst stalagmites are those that are attached to the ground.

The sometimes meet and join to form a pillar, or column.

What is the description of stalagmites?

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stalactite- an icicle-shaped mineral deposit, usu. calcite or aragonite, hanging from the roof of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water. stalagmite- a conical mineral deposit, usu. calcite or aragonite, built up on the floor of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water.

Can you drink the water from stalactites and stalagmites?

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Yes if certain that the water has not been polluted on its wayinto the ground, e.g. by animal droppings - many caves lie under farm-land. The water is not toxic in any way but may contain harmful mico-organisms.

How are stalactites and stalagmites made?

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stalactites are formed when water containing calcium carbonate drips down from the ceiling when the water evaporates it leaves the calcium carbonate behind on the CEILING, eventually creating stalactites.

stalagmites are created when water containing calcium carbonate drips down from the ceiling and evaporates and leaves the calcium carbonate behind on the FLOOR


What country is he home to the tallest stalagmite in the world?

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Where would you go if wanted to see stalactite?

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Stalactites and stalagmites form in caves developed in limestone. Since this covers most caves, and caves tend to be turned into show-caves only if well-decorated (with numerous stalactites etc), then visiting show-caves would be a good start if you wish to see these formations!

What are stalactite and stalagmite used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hopefully, it is NOT "used" for anything, though some Asian caves have been robbed of stalactites for sale as ornaments! (One show-cave, has rightly lost its World Heritage Site listing as a result of this ignorant vandalism.)

Stalactites & stalagmites are to be left clean and intact, to be admired by tourists in show-caves and cavers in any caves.

In UK caves designated as "Sites of Special Scientific Interest", wilful breaking or removal of formations, except perhaps in a very limited, controlled way for genuine research, is illegal.

The English poet Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) destroyed a large amount of stalactites in Wookey Hole by engaging local soldiers to shoot them off the cave roof to use as ornaments in his artificial grotto - a popular feature among the well-off trendies of his time. The yield of useable formations among the resulting calcite rubble must have been very small.

Is it legal to buy stalactites or stalagmites?

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Yes, an individual can own stalactites and stalagmites. But they have to be taken from nature in a legal manner, and vended and acquired through legal means. Naturally there may by (are) shady dealers in geological specimens who will shortcut this process. If you purchase items from them, you support their activity.

In your own words explain how a stalactite forms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most stalactites are limestone. Water, often rainwater, seeps through material which causes it to absorb carbon dioxide, as it seeps further it dissolves limestone. Then when it reaches the ceiling of a cave it slowly begins to forms droplets. As these dry they deposit the limestone on the ceiling. This happens again and again, one drop at a time, and very slowly over years this deposit grows forming a stalactite.

Do stalactites rise from the floor or from the celling of limestone caves?

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Stalactites come down from the ceiling. A good way to remember is to think that to come down from the ceiling, they have to hang on 'tite'.