

Does starfish lay eggs instead of giving live birth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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it lays eggs

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Q: Does starfish lay eggs instead of giving live birth?
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What are two mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young?

Echidna and platypus.

How long is a starfish pregnant for?

Never, when the lose a leg it falls of and then in a couple of days their is a new starfish or sea star. Then they grow their arm back.The have no genders or brains or hearts or even blood!

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The answer I know is yes, she does give live birth instead of laying eggs. The internet lies about Lugia giving birth.

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they lay eggs !

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the silver back whale is the only whale to lay eggs instead of giving live birth it is also the largest whale in the world and has three lungs <^>

Are platypuses placental mammals?

No, platypuses are monotremes. This means they are mammals which lay eggs, instead of giving birth to live young. The only other monotreme is the echidna.

How is starfish born?

Starfish hatch from eggs.

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It will change its behavior