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Q: Does strenuous work trigger heart attacks?
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How does the cadriovascular system work?

it is a system that runs to your heart and helps heart attacks not happen

How do ellipticals work?

Ellipticals work by exercising both your heart with intense cardio-vascular activity, paired with muscle-strengthening of the calves and thighs. It is a strenuous and vigorous activity.

Do antiangina drugs stop heart attacks?

Remember that some forms of antiangina drugs work too slowly to relieve attacks that have already started.

What is a sentence with strenuous?

Building the house was a strenuous job, but John's love of hard work showed through.

Why don't all heart events work in Harvest Moon DS?

In order to trigger a girl's heart event, you need to meet certain conditions. For example, to trigger Celia's yellow heart event, you need to have Celia at yellow heart level, and enter the blue bar between 4 and pm, but not on Wedensday. If all of these things are met, Celia's yellow heart event will occur.

How the heart respond to the strenuous exercise?

when you exercise, the heart rate increases, (as does your breathing pace), so that more oxygen can be carried in the blood to your muscles. The more intense the exercise, the more your muscles have to work, so more oxygen is required and your heart rate will increase. The quicker you heart rate returns to normal, the better your fitness.

How does a double trigger work?

The second trigger is usually a "set" trigger, that spring loads the forward trigger and makes it into a hair draw trigger.

Why would people who have had heart attacks have poor ability to exercise?

the heart is too weak to work hard enough to keep enough blood circulating through your body and this increases your risk of having another heart attack

How do partially blocked arteries affect the heart?

Our body needs oxygen to work. Blocked arteries mean less blood can pass through. To offset that, the heart has to pump harder. However, this causes the heart to overwork, eventually causing heart attacks.

Can fats cause heart attacks?

The fat eventually builds-up in the coranary vessels and this means that blood flow will be restricted. This mean that the heart is being deprived of blood and oxygen (which is essential for the heart to work properly) and a heart attack (at that stage) is going to happen.

Why people don't like to exCERISE?

Because it involves strenuous work and is hard to do.

How does the double trigger on a JG Anschutz 22 rifle work?

Rear trigger is "set" trigger, by pulling it 1st, it makes the main trigger a "hair" or lighter trigger