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For some yes, others, no. I and most I know find it is more of a burning feeling than pain from say...a cut...

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Q: Does stretching from 12g to 10g hurt?
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How long should you wait to stretch from 12G to 10G?

if you by tapers its easier to stretch them faster it i went from a ten to a twelve after about 2 days

What is the largest ear gauge size?

well you start off at a 14g then 12g then 10g 8g 6g 4g 2g 0g 00g

How do you put a 12 gauge plug in an ear?

Well my friend it's called stretching and you need to work your way up to 12g by stretching the piercing one gauge at a time (30 days between gauges) in order to get to the 12g you want. See a professional body piercer for assistance.

What will stretching your penis do for you?

Probably make it hurt, but not a lot else.

Does stretching your ears hurt?

yes of course it does have you ever tried it?

Why do your feet hurt when you walk or after you sit for a while?

Need stretching

Why does it hurt when you start togrow breast?

The tissue and fat is stretching or gaining. Also the skin is stretching. It is normal so don't worry.

What is 12g-9?

12g-9 = 3

What do you do when your back hurt?

You need to do different stretching techniques to try and calm the muscles.

Why does my belly button hurt so much?

It has to do with all of the stretching from the growing uterus.

What is 12g plus 9g?

It is: 12g+9g = 21g