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you are burning your hair so then it will fall out so dont stright it every day

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Q: Does strighting your hair everyday damage your hair?
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Do straightening irons damage hair?

If you straighten your hair everyday... yes it can damage your hair. so let your hair be natural for a few days before straightening again!

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I don't think so. But it could damage your hair.

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Yes, using any kind of heat styling product will damage your hair. The strain on the hair will cause breakage and split ends.

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The chemicals in shampoo and conditioner can cause damage to your hair if used too often.

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Clip in hair extensions not bad for hair but do not use everyday. If someone uses clip in hair extension everyday it can damage hair in the following way: 1. Bald spots. 2. Breakage and beginning of balding.

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No. But if you have really long hair, often the use of chemicals like shampoos or conditioners can dry out and damage your hair. If you have short hair, there is nothing to fear :)

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not getting your hair cut often enough can damage your hair. Also if you straighten/curl it without using a spray or cream to protect it can ruin your hair. Finaly if you brush it everyday and wash it every other day/ everyday you will have healthy, undamaged hair.

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Hair flat irons should not be used everyday because it will cause a lot of damage to your hair. In the long run it can also cause you to lose hair faster because of all the heat damage it is taking.

Is straightening your hair and wearing a ponytail everyday for eight years straight damage your hair?

It depends on what products you use after.. I use bed head when my hair is wet nd then i blow dry it and straighten it.

How do hair products effect the hair?

I only know that blow drying your hair, straightening it, curling it, or putting hot curlers in, can damage your hair and dry it out and even make it fall out. And if you shampoo your hair everyday then your hair can get damaged and dry out. Hope it helps!

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How can a boy with short wavy hair make their hair straight?

Simple. All you have to do is straighten it! But I wouldn't recommend doing it everyday, as it can damage your hair. I naturally have wavy hair (I'm a girl) and I just let it be.. natural. It looks so much better natural.