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Q: Does swing music have collective improvisation?
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What style of improvisation was Swing jazz famous for using?

Solo Improvisation.

What musical elements best make up a lot of jazz music?

Rhythm, Syncopation, often times Swing, improvisation

What style of improvisation was New Orleans jazz famous for using?

Collective Improvisation.

Swing jazz was famous for using?

Solo Improvisation.

Did Louis Armstrong's music have improvisation?

Yes. A key component of all jazz music is improvisation.

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What are the characteristic of swing?

fast-paced, energetic dance that is very fun and casual. the ballroom dancing pose doesn't have to be so formal and stiff, it's very loose. there is often improvisation and it has a sort of "swing" feel to the dance and its music.

What are the characteristics of swing dance?

fast-paced, energetic dance that is very fun and casual. the ballroom dancing pose doesn't have to be so formal and stiff, it's very loose. there is often improvisation and it has a sort of "swing" feel to the dance and its music.

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What has the author John F Mehegan written?

John F. Mehegan has written: 'Swing and early progressive piano styles' -- subject- s -: Methods - Jazz -, Instruction and study, Piano, Jazz, Improvisation - Music - 'Jazz rhythm and the improvised line' -- subject- s -: Instruction and study, Jazz, Musical meter and rhythm, Improvisation - Music -

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