

Does take root affect the growth of a plant?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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Not really it can live without taking root but it won't be stable and will blow away if it doesn't take root

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Q: Does take root affect the growth of a plant?
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How does growth take place in a plant and where it take place in a plant?

The growth in plants takes place in root and shoot apices. Some intercallary meristem cells also divide and add to growth.

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when i take a dump i fart

Is the quote liberty when it begins to take root is a plant of rapid growth also a proverb?

No, the quote "Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth" is not a proverb. It is a phrase attributed to George Washington describing the quick expansion of freedom when it is established.

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trees, bushes, and other plants may take root in cracks in rocks. as the roots of these plants growth, they wedge open the cracks.

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Weeds affect plant growth because they are often invasive and can take over quickly the space needed by plants to develop properly. Weeds also can deprive plants of important nutrients that can cause plants to be weak and susceptible to disease or infestations.

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plant roots take in water by the hairs that the root has.

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What is the zulu word for root?

impande (plant root), gxila/hluma (take root), isiqu/isisusa(origin)

The root of the young plant anchors it into the soil give one other way the root helps the young plant grow?

It helps the young plant take in water

What part of the plant that is being removed would make the plant die?

the root is the main part of the plant if you take out the root the plant will die[mofokeng morapedi,mofokeng walker and mahlangu mosa]

What are runners and how do they reproduce asexually?

Runners in a botanical sense are basically offshoots of the main plant. It's not so much a matter of "reproduction" as it is of "growth", though once the runners take root you can clip them off the main plant and transplant them, which is effectively a way of "cloning" the original plant.

What is the function of the plant root systems?

The main functions of plant roots are: 1) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients, 2) anchoring of the plant body to the ground and 3) storage of food and nutrients a benefit of this to humans is that plant root systems prevent soil erosion by holding the soil together. Certain plants do not have terrestrial root systems due to their growth habit; the aerial roots of Orchids and some other epiphytic plants absorb moisture from the air.