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i was just lookin 4 dat ansa but i think its da similarity You are a load of help

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Q: Does taxonomic classification place emphasis on the similarities between organisms the differences between organisms or both?
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What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Rose flower Child's Play?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rosa'SAVachild'.

Similarities between frog and human circulatory system?

The similarity is both of them use lung as the site for gaseous exchange. The difference is human heart has two ventricles while frog only has one. So the deoxygenated and oxygenated blood in frog are mixed together as its ventricle is not divided into two by septum, which is present in human.

What are the 5 taxonomic groups?

animal plant fungi Protists Bacteria

Do lobsters have chromosomes?

A Lobster's body cells do have a nucleus and organelles, hence they are classified as Eukaryotes. Lobsters themselves are properly described on the macroscopic not microscopic scale, and as such the Lobster organism itself doesn't possess a single nucleus; again, the term organelles refers to structures with a cell. On a macroscopic scale the lobster is said to possess organs.

Is a anaconda a mammal?

No, anacondas are not mammals: they're reptiles. All snakes are reptiles. The word "reptile" means an animal that belongs to the taxonomic class Reptilia; "mammals" belong to the taxonomic class Mammalia. One big difference between reptiles and mammals is that mammals have mammary glands (and breasts, and the ability to produce milk), and they give birth to live animals, while reptiles lay eggs instead and produce no milk (although reptile venom is sometimes called "milk," it isn't truly milk). Something mammals and reptiles have in common is that they're both vertebrates, which means they belong to the taxonomic subphylum Vertebrata -- this means they both have backbones and spinal columns (unlike, for example, insects).

Related questions

Grouping things according to similarities and differences?

The practice of grouping objects or information based on similarities or differences is called classification. Prominent examples include it's use in the development of the periodic table of the elements and the taxonomic study of organisms.

Is the taxonomic classification of all organisms certain?

Taxonomic classification is not always certain due to ongoing research and new discoveries. As our understanding of species and their relationships evolves, classification systems may change. Additionally, different taxonomists may have varying opinions on how organisms should be classified.

Is The taxonomic classification of all organisms is certain?

No, there is always conflict and controversy over taxonomic classification of organisms, if not all organisms.

Why only plants and animals are included in the taxonomic classification?

TAXONOMIC CLASSIFICATION is the study that deals with classification of living organisms only hence the plants and animals are the only living organisms on earth

What is taxonomic classification?

its use to identify unknown organisms

What is taxonomic designation?

Taxonomic designation refers to the process of categorizing and naming organisms based on their similarities and differences. It involves assigning organisms to specific taxonomic ranks such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This system helps scientists classify and organize the vast diversity of living organisms for easier study and understanding.

How are anatomical structures useful in classification?

Anatomical structures provide physical characteristics that can be compared across different organisms to identify similarities and differences. These similarities and differences can help in grouping organisms into taxonomic categories based on shared traits. By analyzing anatomical structures, scientists can infer evolutionary relationships and determine how various species are related to one another.

What is science that specializes in the classification of organisms?

Taxonomy is the science that specializes in the classification of organisms. The biggest taxonomic category is known as a kingdom.

What classification groups include the greatest variety of organisms?

Kingdom Animalia is the taxonomic classification group that contains the greatest or widest variety of organisms.

Taxonomic system is not easy to develop because?

Taxonomic systems require careful analysis of morphological, genetic, and ecological characteristics of organisms to determine their relationships accurately. Inconsistencies in these data, as well as the discovery of new species, can complicate the development of a taxonomic system. Additionally, disagreements among scientists about the classification of certain organisms can further hinder the process.

On what basis are organisms generally classified?

Organisms are generally classified based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships. Scientists consider factors such as physical traits, genetic similarities, and shared ancestry to group organisms into larger categories like kingdoms, phyla, and classes. This system helps to organize and understand the diversity of life on Earth.

How organism classified through a taxonomic rank?

Organisms are classified into different taxonomic ranks based on their similarities in characteristics such as morphology, behavior, and genetics. These ranks range from broad categories like domain and kingdom to more specific categories like genus and species. The classification system helps scientists understand the relationships between different organisms and their evolutionary history.