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The EA pair has the long E sound as in teal and beam.

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Q: Does team have a long or short vowel sound?
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Are drink and team short vowel words?

Drink is, with a short I. Team is not: the EA has a long E sound as in beam and dream.

IS Team is it a long or short vowel?

No. The EA in team has a long E sound as in beam and dream.

Is team a short vowel word?

No. The EA pair has a long E sound, as in teal and beam.

Is the word 'beak' a closed syllable?

No, it is a classical vowel-team syllable, where the E "does the talking" making a long E sound (beek)In a closed syllable, there is one vowel, followed by a consonant, which has a short sound(for example, bed or bell).

What is a syllable with a short vowel in the middle called?

They are called "closed syllables" because the syllable ends with the consonant sound.The 6 types of syllables are:Closed syllable (short vowel sound)Open syllable (ends with a long vowel sound)Vowel-consonant-E syllable (silent E makes preceding vowel long)Vowel team syllable (two vowels paired to make one new sound, e.g. mouth, taut)Consonant +L + E syllable (creates a trailing L, uhl, sound e.g. handle, puzzle)R-controlled syllable (vowel followed by R changes the pronunciation)

Does teach have a short e sound?

No. The EA pair has the long E sound here, as in team and reach.

Does dream have a short e sound?

No.The EA in dream has a long E sound as in beam and team.(the past tense form dreamt does have a short E sound, as in tempt)

When is a vowel said to be a long vowel?

Some "long" vowels "say their name."examples:ape (long a)evil (long E)ice (long I)over (long O)use (long U)Some long U vowels do not "say their name," for example the long U in dune or flute,and the long U (OO) of choose and lose.

What has the same vowel sound as team?

The EA vowel pair is a long E sound.EA words include beam, cream, dream, gleam, ream, seam, and steam.Most EE words have the long E, as do E words ending in a silent E (such as extreme).

Does team have a long e sound?

Yes, the EA in team has the long E sound as in the homophone "teem."

What words have the same vowel sound as leave?

The EA pair has a long E sound, as in the rhyming words cleave, peeve, sleeve, grieve, and believe. Other EA words with the long E are beat, team, and mean. The long E sound is also in words with E - reply, repair EE - feet, need, green EI and IE - receive, brief

Does breathe have a long e sound?

Yes, it does. The EA pair has the long E sound as in team and seam.