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Yes they can choose the sex.

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Q: Does test tube baby can produce a boy?
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Related questions

How much expenditure in test tube baby?

As it doctors and hospitals are costly today, the test tube baby is a very costly indeed.

What is the possibility have a baby boy from test tube?

The possibility of having a baby boy from a test tube is about the same as the possiblity of having a boy through standard birth or about 48 of every 100 test tube babies born. There are methods designed to increase the chances of having a boy, but they are not exact.

Was Davey Boy Smith really a test tube baby?

Yes, he was engineered in a lab to win the Worldicontinental title.

Test to see if baby a girl or boy?

There is no real test to figure out gender before your ultrasound.

How do you get baby on babydow?

You can get another baby on Babydow by purchasing a Magic Seed from the Fairy Forest or planting a cabbage seed (which will produce a boy) or a rose seed (which will produce a girl) from the shop.

What do you call the girl or boy that cannot produce a baby?

I think the name is Infertile, I'm not to sure

What food can you eat to produce a baby boy?

There are some who say that what you eat will determine whether your baby is a girl or a boy. Here are some foods to stock in your pantry if you're trying to have a baby boy: Meat, particularly red meat Salty snacks, like chips Caffeine

What is a baby boy?

A baby boy is a male baby.

Can you have a baby with a baby boy?

It is highly unlikely. A baby would have not yet developed it's fully hormones or experience pubery- this means the baby would be unable to become errect and produce sperm resulting in you unable to become pregnant. If you were to become pregnant with a baby boy it would be extremly rare. It is virtually impossible

Why is it there is a test tube baby?

My friend's son was one of the first test tube babies in the world — in the late '80s, in England. Her husband had viable sperm and likewise, she also had viable eggs, but they were unable to conceive on their own, and after a couple of failed years they went to in-vitro fertilization. They went through a total of six in-vitro procedures over the next few years, and miscarried them all within the first trimester. For many reasons it was extremely important for them to have their own biological child, however, by this point they were in their late 30s and becoming very desperate. Surrogacy was almost unheard of in the 80s, and I don't think it was an option if they wanted their child to be genetically linked to both of them. It was their circumstances and the desperation of their situation that made them candidates for such a rare experimental procedure for the time. Ultimately, the doctors took one of the fertilized eggs and grew it externally, in a test tube, to full-term. The "delivery" of their healthy baby boy, who was, I believe, the sixth successful test-tube baby in the world, occurred outside of the mother's body, and the baby was just as normal as the next.

How do animals produce other animals?

The girls give birth to them, and then they are a baby. But boy seahorses give the baby instead of the girl.

Do they take away baby cows and kill baby boy cows?

No, neither is done. A cow is worth money for it’s ability to produce milk and as a part of a herd.