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The Bible teaches forgiveness but nowhere does it tell you to not learn from experiences.

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Q: Does the Bible say that you should forgive and forget?
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Where in the bible does it say who can forgive?

It should describe forgiveness throughout the whole bible and anyone and everyone can forgive!

How do you say forgive and forget in French?

Forgive and forget is "pardonner et oublier" in French.

Does the bible say you can forgive those in hell?

No, the Bible does not say you can forgive those who are in hell.

If your friend is ditching you should you stop talking to them or simply forgive them?

forgive. (although i must say this is easier said than done.) Also, they say forgive & forget, but seriously, although you can forgive, who will really forget? dont bother wasting time on people who dont waste time on you

What should I do if my friend indirectly tells my crush I like her and she doesn't like me back Do I forgive and forget or hold a grudge against him?

Grudge definitly ignor the person above ok. i am in the same position and i say forgive and forget.

How do you say Forgive and forget in German?

Vergeben und vergessen

Does the Bible say you should forgive adultery?

John 8:11 says that Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery.

Where in christian bible does say forgive them did you wrong?

Mark 11:25,26

What does it say in the bible about not forgiving someone?

Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father (God) forgive your trespasses

How many times did the bible say you have to forgive?

The Bible states, “ You must forgive 77 times, for the one who hurt you... needs it most.” We all need to forgive each other, in order to live out our faith and fulfill the quest we were given from birth.

Where in the bible do you find god will not forgive you for blaspheming against the holy ghost?

you never find it in the bible as god did never say this

When should you forgive and forget?

This is a controversial question and, as a result, there are a number of different answers.Answer 1You can forgive, but it's tough to forget and it keeps you on your toes in future relationships. I have this quote on my fridge: 'If you can't forgive the person that hurt you then THEY control you!'Answer 2Yes you can forgive and forget. It is so easy to forgive somebody, rather than forget. It is hard to forget because its like every time you see that person the memory comes back to your head. I have been in so many situations like this. This is why you have to be the better person and just forgive it and try to forget it.Answer 3yes you can forgive, no you cannot forget. but i think you can learn from the memories and move on the past can be a springboard to push you forward learn from your mistakesAnswer 4Can you forgive and forget that you were convinced by your own Father that putting his personals in our mouth just made you his favorite girl? Or can you forgive and forget that your brother had sex with you more than once and encouraged you to believe that it was emotional bonding, like daddy did? For me, No, I can not forget since it affects every relationship that I have ever had with the opposite sex. Can I forgive? I can forgive me and I can forgive them in my heart and soul, but I will never, ever give them forgiveness for their actions. In some cases and I believe in this case, forgiving them of such a horrible, disgusting and despicable crime would allow them the relief of guilt that they don't deserve. That is my opinion and it refers to me and my situation.