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Q: Does the Boston Tea Party still exist?
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What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

Does the tea party still exist?


How did the Boston Tea Party effect the revolutinary war?

We still do not know about that yet but we do know a lot more about the boston tea party.

Did the colonists still have to pay taxes for tea after the Boston tea party?

No, they didn't.

What did the navigation acts do?

punished Boston for the tea party

Did The Intolerable Acts lead to the Boston Tea Party?

No, the Intolerable Acts was a result of the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party

When 300 chest of the tea were dumped into Boston harbor what was the event called?

the Boston tea party

How did colonists defy britains attempts at regulation and taxation?

Boston tea party

Was the Boston tea party in Boston?

ya that's why they call it ''Boston'' tea party

What did they Boston Tea Party have with the Boston Tea Party?

Nothing. It was a protest.

How do you put Boston Tea Party into a sentence?

The Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston. Many crates of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. that's all i can think of

What event prompted the british to pass the intolerable acts?

Following the Boston tea party the intolerable act pass a year later