

Does the Earth need helium for any reason?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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yea stop be'in a nerd punk a**

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Q: Does the Earth need helium for any reason?
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Why does your body need helium?

Your body does not need helium. Helium is an inert gas, and it is not found as a "building block" of any organic material, or any other materials for that matter.

Why is there any Helium on earth given it evaporates into space and does not react with anything?

Helium is created by the radioactive decay of certain elements in the earth's crust. ---- Oil wells is a common source of helium. Some people worry that we may have future shortages of helium as the supplies in wells is used/released.

Any scientific reason for problems on earth?

Each problem has a scientific reason.

What is the star made of?

A star can be made out of any compound found on Earth, but the most common is Hydrogen or Helium.

Does helium have any alloys?

No, helium is a noble gas and does not have any alloys or metallic properties.

What are the compounds formed by helium?

Helium does not form any compounds.

What elements does helium bond with?

helium does not bond with any elements.

Does hydrogen combine with helium?

No. helium does not react with any element.

Does helium react with common compounds?

No. helium does not react with any other element

What is a common reaction of helium?

Helium is chemically inert and doesnot react with any element.

What are 10 examples of compounds of helium?

Helium does not form any compound.

List the helium compounds?

helium doesnot form any compounds