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It depends on the Girl Scout council. They are making changes in the council product sales. So, yes, you might have to pay for your Girl Scout cookies at the time you place your order or you might wait until they are delivered. Some councils are now having the girls have the cookies with them so you pay and receive your cookies all at the same time - rather than placing orders. Cookie booths are also more available, and again, you pay for and received your cookies all at the same time.

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Yes, the Girl Scout must collect payment for the Girl Scout cookies and turn the money in for the sales. When a Girl Scout and her parent or guardian sign the Girl Scout council product sales permission form, they agree to pay for any product that the girl takes to sell. The profits from those sales are used to fund troop/group activities and to fund the local Girl Scout council.

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Q: Does the Girl Scout have to pay for Girl Scout cookies and turn in the money from the sales?
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What percent of the sales are Girl Scout Thin Mints?

Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies account for 25% of the total Girl Scout cookie sales.

What did Girl Scouts sell before cookies?

Cookies were the beginning of Girl Scout sales. Cookie sales started in 1917 as a way for Girl Scout troops to finance their activities. In 1933, one Girl Scout council, the Greater Philadelphia Council, became the first Girl Scout council to sell commercially baked cookies and Girl Scout continue that tradition today.

Why do you keep such a big portion of the money from Girl Scout cookies?

Approximately 30% of the money received for Girl Scout cookies goes to the company which bakes the cookies. Of that, GSUSA receives a royalty from the cookie bakers for use of the trademarks and licensing. The remaining 70% of the money received for Girl Scout cookies goes to the Girl Scout council whose board of directors determines how the money will be used and how much money each troop keeps. The money is used by the council for many things, for example: cookie incentives, camps, adult volunteer training, events, program resources, sales tax (in some states, non-profit organizations are not exempt from state sales taxes), and much more.

Why do Girl Scouts always sell cookies?

Girl Scout cookies are a nationally recognized product, so when people think of Girl Scouts, the first thing they usually think of is cookies! It is a huge money earning project for the troops and the Girl Scout council. However, Girl Scouts also sell other things. Most Girl Scout councils also host a nut and candy sale at a different time of the year. Some councils also host magazine sales or calendar sales. Depending on the council, Girl Scout troops may participate in other money earning projects, provided they follow GS guidelines and are approved by the Girl Scout council. Many of those projects involve selling items, especially items made by the girls them selves.

How can a 13 year old girl make some money?

Sell Girl Scout cookies or babysit.

What was the very first price of Girl Scout Cookies?

The first troop known to sell Girl Scout cookies was the Mistletoe Troop in Muskogee, Oklahoma in December of 1917. The girls and their mothers baked cookies in their homes. They then sold the cookies in the school cafeteria. Selling cookies was a good way to earn money to finance troop activities.

What was the price of Girl Scout cookies in 1960?

For Girl Scouts of the USA, depending on the Girl Scout council, Girl Scout cookies were priced from $0.35 to $0.50 in 1960.

What do you do with the money you get for Girl Scout cookies?

Once a cookie sale ends in one Girl Scout council, cookies which are left are sent to another council for their cookie sale. Unopened cases at the end of all sales are returned to the cookie baking companies. The Girl Scout council has to pay for any cookies they keep, so it would not be a wise use of funds to keep a lot of cookies instead of sending them back to the cookie bakers. The cookie baking companies are also able to plan so that they aren't left with a lot of extra cookies. Girl Scout councils are able to contact the companies to request any cookies which are left. Councils may keep Girl Scout cookies on hand or may request more from the cookie companies for a variety of reasons. If someone calls and says they did not receive their cookie order, the council will try to find out what happened, and may decide to replace the cookie order. They might also use the cookies for gifts, such as giving boxes to the delegates to the council's delegate assembly.

When was the last time girl scout cookies were sold?

Girl scout cookies are still a yearly fundraiser for GSUSA.

Where does Alabama get there Girl Scout cookies?

People in Alabama can purchase Girl Scout cookies from any Girl Scout who is selling them. They can also use the Girl Scout Cookie Finder or the Girl Scout Cookie Finder App to find the price, locations, and sale dates of the current Girl Scout Cookie Sale.Girl Scout councils determine which of two cookie bakers (ABC Cookies and Little Brownie Bakers) supply the cookies for their council. There are three Girl Scout councils in Alabama. If you want to know which baker supplies the cookies in your area, contact the local council or look at any box of Girl Scout cookies.

Who invented Girl Scout cookies?

Girl Scouts first started selling cookies in 1917 as a way to finance troop activities, so you could say that the girls themselves "invented" Girl Scout cookies! In 1922, an article was published in "The American Girl" magazine, published by the Girl Scout national headquarters, about Girl Scout cookie sales, including a recipe and suggestions for cookie prices. The article was written by Florence E. Neil, a local director in Chicago, Illinois.